Simple solutions to complex problems

People and the Planet…

Brazilian NGO Espaco Feminista collaborates with female farmers in Brazil, to secure their land rights, develop sustainable, circular farming, create an income for families, and food for local schools

The Meso American Biological Corridor: Can business be good for communities and the environment?

Sustainable Livelihoods

Climate Adaptation and Mitigation for Communities, Indigenous Peoples and Women

Our latest work…

  • Land Rights for Women


  • Community Banking


  • Melinda Gates and the 4 Policies to Help Women...


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Dr. Emily Brearley is a development economist specialized in simple yet innovative problem solving. She has two decades of experience in project design to guide the delivery of cross-functional strategies in public, private and non-profit sectors for sustainable and equitable growth. 

At Solution42 we focus on mega-trends: adapting to climate change and empowering women in emerging markets in Africa, Latin America and Asia in key economic sectors including finance, agriculture, infrastructure, disaster risk management and social safety nets.

Our research is collaborative and multi-disciplinary: to find the first best, simple and innovative solutions that are good for people, and the planet. 

Areas of expertise
✔️Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation  
✔️Complex Project Design and Management  
✔️Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance
✔️Macro Economic and Policy Economy Analysis
✔️International Stakeholder Management and Public Speaking

How can we make the world a better place?



Recent months have shown that supply chains not only carry goods also climate challenges, health risks and geopolitical tensions: now is the time to establish a common framework for stress tests and prioritization to ensure global value chains must work for people, and our planet

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Research has shown that women and men work best in mixed teams when everyone’s voice counts: now is the time to create companies where diversity and inclusion is baked into corporate structures using insights from behavioral economics and smart systems



Economics and politics are inextricably linked: the solid methodological rigor of one compliment the behavioral insights of human institutions on the other—facing the challenges of today will require public-private cooperation and partnerships to spur economic dynamism and preservation of the natural environment

